When Your Efforts Are Not Seen (Yet)


Vitor Cortes

Apr 21, 2024

The Creative Journey, Community

Dear reader,

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re talking to an empty room? That you’re not reaching the number of people you’d like to? That maybe your idea is not good enough, or that perhaps, just maybe, people don’t seem to care about what you have to say? Well, from one human being to another, if you’re reading this and you’ve felt this way, I’d like to say that I too feel this way sometimes.

Before I started this business, I thought that one of the most challenging aspects of being an entrepreneur was the stress that comes with owning a business and transforming your idea from a figment of the imagination to reality. And although these are certainly challenges that every entrepreneur (and creative beings) faces, there’s one aspect of this creative journey that I feel not many people talk about: how excruciatingly difficult it is to share your idea and vision with the world. And by that, I mean how hard it is to grow your community and reach more people. To get friends and family to engage with your idea. To show people, strangers and acquaintances alike, that there’s something you love that’s worth being loved by others. As someone who started with no connections, this is one of the hardest things in the world.

Maybe you’re reading this and you’re going through this exact phase: you have a great idea, you have what it takes within you to make it happen, but you lack the resources to reach beyond your bubble (although I’m aware that some of us love our bubbles because they make us feel safe). And this is exactly what I’d like to talk about. And I call this the phase "When Your Efforts Are Not Seen (Yet)." I put the "yet" in parentheses because I believe that hard work pays off and that what we sow will one day grow. We just don’t know how or when.

So, as you’re in this process of figuring things out and feeling like your efforts, dedication, and sleepless nights spent creating amazing things are not yet recognized, I’d like to acknowledge that this is frustrating and that you’re not alone. Take a deep breath. This is something every creator goes through. And the million-dollar question is: Why doesn’t my idea reach more people? Well… let’s talk about it.

And no, this is not a guide on marketing or strategies on how to reach 1 million followers. I’m sure you’ve read countless guides on that, and there are many experts on the subject (and I’m clearly not one of them). My goal with today’s conversation is not to give you 5 steps to success, or to analyze whether your idea is good. If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you have something you treasure, a dream, and that’s good enough for me. You belong here.

My goal is to express that although growing a community and reaching more people is incredibly hard, it’s not impossible, and I take courage in that. And that’s part of the journey. Maybe we’ve been told that if we follow certain rules, the outcome is guaranteed, but in the real world, it’s different, and we all know that. Life has the element of surprise, and navigating through periods of uncertainty can teach us a lot.

When it comes to growing your community, sharing what you love with others is step number one. And maybe you feel like no one is listening, but I know that the world is a big place, and if there’s one thing that’s contagious, it's passion. Even if you feel like no one sees you right now, there’s always someone who cares and will identify with or find in you something they've been searching for, perhaps their entire life. Our room may seem too small, but the world is vast. Someone out there needs to hear what you’re saying. Someone cares about the things you deem important. And yes, communicating your ideas can be difficult, but it’s essential, and it can be learned. Being a good communicator is perhaps the greatest social skill one should seek (after learning how to listen). And we can only get better at it with practice.

So, if you’re reading this and you find yourself frustrated that things aren’t moving as fast as you hoped, hit pause (even if briefly) and remember why you started and how far you’ve come. Sometimes, in our hurry to reach the next big phase, we forget to look back and appreciate the small victories. Remember, you’re not alone. There’s value in success, for sure. But there’s also value in sharing frustrations as we experience them. And that was my goal with this letter… to simply share. By sharing, we learn and, hopefully, we help others as well.

You might be thinking, "Vitor, you still haven’t answered the question: why doesn’t my idea reach more people?" Well, that’s something I’m still trying to figure out myself. In the meantime, don’t stop sharing what you love. Communicate and listen.

With affection, Vitor

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