A place to share my personal journey and connect with our community


Vitor Cortes

Apr 12, 2024

Behind The Brand: A Personal Journey


Dear readers,

For those who do not yet know me, my name is Vitor, and I am the founder of Hope Rising®, a brand for which I have a deep love and which I hope you will come to adore as well. To those who are already part of our story, friends and family who have been with us since the beginning, my most sincere thanks for your constant affection and support. It has been a true adventure, one that began in my bedroom, amidst the pandemic.

It may be that many do not know, but Hope Rising® was born during this tumultuous period, a time when we questioned the future of humanity and sought to understand the challenges we faced. The quarantine, despite being tumultuous in many aspects, also served as a moment of reflection for many, including myself. Working from home as a programmer, the time that was previously dedicated to commuting to and from work became an opportunity to dream about my own business. Despite the longstanding desire to venture out on my own, I often found myself hesitant. "What if the idea isn't that good? Maybe later, when conditions are better..." But that "later" never came, consumed by the hustle and bustle of daily life. Until, at a certain moment, I began to pray about it and finally felt motivated to take a decisive step.

Thus, Hope Rising® was born, a brand of high-quality, minimalist-style streetwear, domestically produced. This style, which I greatly admire, is notable for its versatility, fitting into different environments, whether at school, work, or home. More than two years were dedicated to planning, researching, and structuring the brand before its introduction to the world in October 2023. You might wonder: why did it take so long to launch the brand? The truth is that entrepreneurship is extremely challenging. Life does not stop, always presenting new challenges. At the same time as I was dedicated to the brand, I was also committed to my 8- hour-a-day job in the field of Computer Science. Managing a business involves countless variables, and sometimes it seems that 24 hours in a day are not enough. Although my heart wished to launch the brand as soon as possible, everything in life has its time and rhythm. And, I must admit, there was a certain comfort in keeping Hope Rising® a secret. The fear of exposure, criticism, and the possibility of not having sales weighed on me. However, there came a time when it was no longer possible to wait, and the only option was to move forward with courage. It was the passion for what we do and the belief in the positive impact of our clothes on people's lives that helped me overcome these fears. To me, Hope Rising® is more than a brand; it is an expression of identity and lifestyle that resonates with the versatility and authenticity of those who wear it.

And here we are, a few months after the launch, and the journey has been incredible (and challenging). Reflecting on these first months, I felt it was time to create a more personal space for the brand, a place where I could share an Entrepreneur's Journal or a personal diary. I am still deciding what to call it, but for now, this letter serves to inaugurate our space. In addition to our official Instagram page, where we will continue to share launches and collections, this space will be dedicated to discussing ideas, themes, and thoughts behind each collection or any other topic that I believe to be valuable to our community. I am extremely excited for what is to come! For now, that is all. Thank you very much for being here and for being part of this community which, I am sure, will grow a lot in 2024!

With gratitude,


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