The Power of Ideas


Vitor Cortes

Jun 2, 2024

Creative Minds & Television

Jim Henson, Idea Man is a beautifully crafted documentary, now available for streaming on Disney Plus, directed by Ron Howard, known for his work on films such as Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind. The film tells the incredible story of Jim Henson, a visionary creator whose imagination and dedication left an indelible mark on the world.

Everything starts with an idea. What would happen if you believed in it? Jim believed that he came here for a purpose and a reason, and that’s what drove him. He was always creating, implementing his ideas, and had a sense of urgency to fulfill them. He believed that humor was an antidote to life’s hardships and used his artistic skills and puppets to bring joy to people’s lives. In one of the initial scenes of the documentary, we see him creating one of the most beloved characters of The Muppets family, Kermit The Frog. Kermit was created to entertain his grandfather, who was extremely ill at the time. This scene is deeply moving because it shows that something beautiful can be born out of a challenging time. Jim didn’t create the puppet just for the sake of creating it; he used his talents to make his granddad smile.

The documentary also explores his friendship and partnership with his then-wife, Jane Henson, who was instrumental in his success and co-founded The Muppets Inc. in 1958. One curious thing I learned from the film is that Jim wasn’t just a puppeteer; he started that because he really wanted to work in television. He was a multifaceted artist with a tremendously fertile imagination, which he explored and used for good through his experimental films, music, and creative endeavours.

The movie also delves into deep human themes that everyone eventually faces, such as the loss of a loved one, the question of our existence and purpose, and the relentless march of time. It shows how certain ideas can drift us apart from people, while other ideas can create human connection, and there’s nothing like the latter. This documentary is an inspiring and emotional look at one man’s journey. I highly recommend everyone see it, whether or not you grew up watching The Muppet Show or Sesame Street. This is a movie that I am sure will connect with everyone one way or another.

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